
This / that / these / those”指示代词“这个、那个、这些、那些”

“This,” “that,” “these,” and “those” can be used as determiners before a noun to specify which noun is being talked about. They can also be used as pronouns to replace a noun in a sentence.

This,that, these和 those可以用在名词前作限定词,以指明正在谈论的是哪个名词。它们也可以作为代词来代替句子中的名词。

“This” and “that” as determiners This和that做限定词

“This” and “that” are only used with singular nouns. “This” is used for something close, and “that” for something farther away.


“This” can also be used for something current or present, and “that” can be used for something absent or in the past.


“These” and “those” as determiners These和those做限定词

“These” and “those” are only used with plural nouns. “These” is used for things close by or current. “Those” is used for things farther away or in the past.


“This” and “that” as pronouns This和that做代词

“This” and “that” can replace singular nouns in a sentence. They point out a specific thing. “This” is used for something close, and “that” is used for something farther away.


“This” can also be used for something current or present, and “that” can be used for something absent or in the past.


“These” and “those” as pronouns These和those做代词

“These” and “those” can replace plural nouns in a sentence. “These” is used for things close by or current. “Those” is used for things farther away or in the past.


Substituting with “that” and “those” 用” that “和” those “替换

“That” and “those” can be used in place of a noun phrase to mean “the one” or “the ones.”




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